# Portrait Cartoonization 2-API Integration

A generative algorithm that transform your avatar into a Japanese Comic Style.

# Task Creation

Create an algorithm task based on the input parameters and return the task id

# Request Address


# Request Parameter




Field Required Type Value Description
Content-Type YES string application/json
Authorization YES string Basic xxxxxxxxx Basic base64 (appkey:appsecret) created by users combining appkey and secret


Field Required Type Value Description
priority YES integer Priority, range [0,9]
images YES string[] Up to 20 images awaiting processing (Downloadable image file link)

Sample Code

  "images": [
    "Downloadable image file link",
    "Downloadable image file link"
  "priority": 1

# Input File Restriction

Image Format Image File Size Image Resolution Image Aspect Ratio
PNG JPG JPEG BMP No more than 50 MB Greater than 256x256px, less than 5000x5000px Aspect ratio within 4:1

# Return Data


Field Son Field Required Type Value Description
code - YES number Status Code
msg - YES string Request Information
data - YES object Response Data
- task_id YES string Task id

Sample Code

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "task_id": "6a4eab77-be30-430a-bf0e-3048042a34ef"

# Result Acquisition

Request task processing result based on task id

# Request Address


# Request Parameter




Field Required Type Value Description
Content-Type YES string application/json
Authorization YES string Basic xxxxxxxxx Basic base64 (appkey:appsecret) created by users combining appkey and secret

Path Parameter

Field Son Field Required Type Value Description
task_id - YES string Task id

# Return Data


Field Son Field Grandson Field Required Type Value Description
code - - YES number Status Code
msg - - YES string Request Information
data - - YES object Response Data
- status - YES string Task Status: 1- Waiting; 2 - In progress; 3 - Task complete; 4 - Task failure; 5 - Task closed; 6 - Task timed out
- wait_time - YES string The waiting time before the next request, with unit of s
- list - YES object[] Result list
- - image_result YES string Processed image URL
- - status YES string Process Status
- - reason YES string Cause of failure
Last Updated: 12/1/2023, 5:45:54 PM